Many people face issue with constipation from time to time. Constipation is a condition in which a person can feel uncomfortable or infrequent bowel movements. It is common on all ages and populations in the world. If a person is considered to be constipated, bowel movements result in a passage of small amounts of hard and dry stool but usually fewer than 3 times a week. However, normal stool may consist of having a bowel movement 3 times per day or three times a week, it depends on the person.

If you have facing issue with constipation, this can result to illness, inactivity, medications, and other issues. It can also be a symptom of a bowel disease, fever, bleeding, vomiting or abdominal pain which is extraordinarily painful. Even though it is common, but it is one of the most difficult gut symptoms to explain.
Causes of constipation
In your body, Colon’s main job is to absorb water from food as its pass through your digestive system. Then it creates stool or waste. The colon’s muscles move the waste out through the rectum to eliminate. If stool remains in the colon for long time, it can become hard and difficult to pass.
Poor diet frequently causes the constipation. Dietary fiber and enough water drinking are necessary to help keep the stools soft to pass. Rich Fiber foods are normally made from the plants. The soluble fiber can dissolve in water normally and creates a soft and gel like stool so it passes through the digestive system.
Insoluble fiber keeps most of its structure as it goes through the digestive system. At last, both forms of fiber join with stool and increasing its weight and size also softening it. This makes it easy to pass through the rectum.
Some people are likely to become constipated, including:
Women’s during pregnancy
Old age persons
People who take less fiber
People who take medicines
5 Natural Remedies to cure Constipation
Drinking Water
Dietary Fiber
Regular Exercise
Proper Sleep
Drinking Water
Water is one of the most important things in life. It also prevents from constipation. Increasing of water inside the gut can help to soften the stools. Try to drink at least 8-9 glasses of water per day for good health. Staying hydrated by drinking more water can help you to relieve constipation. Hydration makes easy digestion and supports the muscle function. Having enough water can process nutrients faster than aiding bowel movement on a regular basis.

When body has sufficient water, it ensures a better functioning of colon as it absorbs less water. Constipation occurs when colon absorbs too much of water or colon muscles are too slow leading to hardening of the stool. So stay hydrated.
Dietary Fiber
Is food being a medicine? Yes. The food you eat is highly effective to prevent from some health problems, like constipation. Dietary fiber is also a main part for your body. Taking fiber can help you to keep you regular and improve the balance of good bacteria in your gut. This will reduce the risk of various diseases, like heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Also, some fibers are soluble in water and some others are insoluble.

Soluble fiber: oat bran, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and peas, and some fruits and vegetables.
Insoluble fiber: wheat bran and whole grains.
Oats are filled with soluble fiber that allows more water to remain in the stool. It make the stool soft, larger and ultimately easier to pass.

Most peas like beans, lentils, chickpeas are very high in fiber, which has a nutrient that promotes a good digestion and reduces the constipation.

Carrots have Full of fiber that is part of a healthy fiber diet which can improve your stool movement. Remember, eat the carrot raw. Cooked carrots can lead to constipation.

Barley can help to relieve constipation. In a study, 9 grams of a barley supplement daily for 10 days will increased both the frequency and volume of bowel movements.

Constipation can make you feel bloated. Eating fruit is one of the best constipation remedy because fruits are high in dietary fiber. Apples, banana and citrus fruits are good choices and they're also high in pectin and a naturally occurring fiber.

Apples are rich in fiber which helps to lower the body's absorption of excess dietary fats. Apple fiber can increased the stool frequency and weight. And it is an easy way to boost the fiber content of your diet and alleviate constipation.

Citrus Fruit
Citrus fruits are also rich in the soluble fiber especially in the pel. Pectin can accelerate colonic transit time and helps to constipation. In addition, citrus fruits contain a flavone called naringenin, which may contribute to the positive effects of citrus fruits on constipation.

Bananas are a difficult when it comes to constipation foods to avoid. ripe bananas can cause constipation because it has a lot of starch, which can be easy for the body to digest.

Regular Exercise
Physical activity is one of the most successful lifestyle hacks to lose your bowels and keep yourself regular. Any exercise can be helpful for stool pass more easily through your intestines. A regular like walking plan for 10 to 15 minutes several times a day can help the body and digestive system work at their best. The following 2 methods are the most recommended for people for constipation are supine twist and seated twist.
Supine Twist
It is a twisting pose that can help to massage your digestive tract and stimulate blood flow to your stomach muscles.

Steps to follow:
1. Lie flat on your back and bring both of your knees up to your chest.
2. Stretch your left leg out straight.
3. Keeping your shoulders pressed against the floor, move your right knee across your body to the left and look toward your right.
4. Hold this position for 20 breaths and then release.
5. Repeat the same process on the opposite side of your body.
Wind-Relieving Pose
This pose also helps to ease the discomfort of bloating and gas, and stimulate your bowels and improve overall digestion.

Steps to follow:
1. Start by lying flat on your back with your legs fully extended in front of you.
2. Slowly raise your right knee up to your chest and hold it in place with your arms for a count of 20 breaths.
3. Release your knee and let your leg extend fully in front of you again.
4. Perform the same action with your left leg for another 20 breaths.
5. Repeat the process once more, this time holding both legs to your chest.
Proper Sleep
Not having an enough sleep can affect your entire day. It’s also have some negative effects on your health, and your bathroom behavior. The sleeping position is matters to our health. It affects our body from the brain to the gut. As we know, not having an enough sleep can make feel us as energetic as a sloth.

Left-side sleeping is the most good and science-based benefits. When you sleep from your left side, the gravity take the waste to the trip through ascending colon, then transverse colon, and at last dump it into the descending colon. Place a firm pillow between your knees and hug one to support your spine.
Constipation is a common gastrointestinal complaint which means a person a fewer bowel movements, if you are changing what you eat and drink that make the stools softer and easier to pass. You can help to prevent the constipation by doing some of the things to treat constipation like get enough fiber in your diet, and drink plenty of water with other liquids and get a regular physical activity and you will have a bowel movement at the same time every day, these 5 remedies will help and supports the digestive health.